Europe Direct Valletta

Europe Direct Valletta is part of the Europe Direct network of more than 400 EU information offices across the EU

For the period May 2020 to December 2025, SEM manages Europe Direct Valletta, with the overall objective of providing citizens with easy access to information about the EU and its activities.

Europe Direct is one of the main tools of the European Commission to engage with citizens on EU-related topics at local and regional level, with the mission to provide EU citizens with information about the EU, referring them to specialised information services and signposting to other services and networks. Additionally, Europe Direct centres stimulate debate through the organisation of conferences and events, and channel citizens’ feedback to the EU.

Backed by the experience and professional service of SEM staff, as well as the coordination with a strong network of EU information providers and national contact points locally, Europe Direct Valletta provides information, advice, assistance, and answers to questions about the EU and in particular about the rights of EU citizens, the EU’s priorities, legislation, policies, programmes, and funding opportunities.

From Europe Direct Valletta you can expect efficient and accurate assistance on your queries or when you ask for information on EU matters.

Europe Direct Valletta Logo

Europe Direct Valletta can be contacted as follows: