Removing barriers for persons with disabilities: European Accessibility Act

Article published in Voice of the Workers Weekly

June 28 marked the deadline by which, all EU Member States, including Malta, must have transposed the European Accessibility Act into national law. The European Accessibility Act ensures that everyone has access to a range of everyday products and services.

The Accessibility Act delivers on the EU's commitment to break down barriers for persons with disabilities, one of its obligations as Party to the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The Act ensures that everyone has access to a range of everyday products and services, including public transport, banking services, computers, TV, e-books and online shopping.

To comply with the accessibility requirements, ATMs for example could be equipped with visual and audible signals that indicate where to insert your bank card, or where the cash comes out.

Companies will now have three years to make their services and products comply with the common EU accessibility requirements. This will drive innovation, ensure common standards across the EU internal market, and in turn, benefit consumers who will benefit from a wider and more inclusive offer at competitive prices.

More information can be found in the online Q&A.