Latest Updates

SEM is constantly informing citizens through various media channels on the latest developments and opportunities related to EU funds and how these bring a better quality of life to society. Click below for the latest news, articles, events, publications and videos.


Information Session: Erasmus+ Key Action 2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

Organised by EUPA and SEM


Information Session: Enhancing and valorising Malta’s tourism product

Calls for applications under ERDF 2021-2027


Information Session: Off-Farm Productive Investments

Call for applications under Intervention 73.4: Off-Farm Productive Investments


Meeting: National Contact Points for EU Funds

SEM entrusted with the role of Coordinator of the National Contact Points for EU funds


Visit to EU funded sites for students

Organised by SEM and Europe Direct Valletta in collaboration with Heritage Malta


Konferenza: Insaħħu l-Komunitajiet tagħna bil-Fondi Ewropej

Diskussi diversi temi, fosthom is-servizzi li tipprovdi SEM


Visit to EU funded sites for students

Organised by SEM and Europe Direct Valletta in collaboration with Heritage Malta


Tree Planting Initiative with School Children

Organised by Europe Direct Valletta and Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta


EPSO Promotional Visit to Malta

Visit to promote the different career opportunities in the EU institutions and agencies


Launch of Interreg Italia-Malta Programme 2021-2027

EU funds for territorial cooperation between Malta and Sicily


European Funds that Transformed the Country

Photo Exhibition in Floriana, Paola and Mdina


Photo Competition: EU funds for a better quality of life

Announcement of Results