Interreg Programmes

Fostering Cooperation for a Stronger Europe

Interreg is a key EU instrument that strengthens cooperation between regions and countries within the EU. As part of the EU’s Cohesion Policy, Interreg plays a vital role in promoting regional development, cohesion, and reducing economic disparities.
For the 2021-2027 period, Interreg is focused on addressing current challenges like climate change, digital transformation, and social inclusion.
Starting in 1990 as a Community Initiative with a EUR 1 billion budget, Interreg focused on cross-border cooperation. Over time, it expanded to include transnational and interregional cooperation.
The current period’s 10 billion Euro budget highlights Interreg’s evolution, featuring reinforced cooperation with partner countries via Interreg IPA and Interreg NEXT, and a dedicated strand for EU outermost regions and neighboring countries. 
Interreg has the following four strands of cooperation: 
  1. Cross-Border; 
  2. Transnational;
  3. Interregional; 
  4. Outermost Regions.
2021-2027 is the sixth period of Interreg and therefore it is called Interreg VI. Projects implemented under Interreg Programmes will contribute to the implementation of the EU’s main cohesion policy priorities. 
Under the open calls section of SEM website, information will be provided on the below Interreg Programmes: 
  • Interreg Italia - Malta 
  • Interreg Europe 
  • Interreg NEXT MED 
  • Interreg Euro-Med

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