Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)

Research and innovation projects in the areas of coal and steel

The aim of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel is to co-finance research and innovation projects in the areas of coal and steel.

This programme stands outside of the Multiannual Financial Framework and has its own legal basis. It is funded through revenues generated by the European Coal and Steel Community in liquidation assets, which are exclusively devoted to research in the sectors related to the coal and steel industry.

The objectives of the programme are divided across the coal and steel sectors. These objectives are as follows:


  1. supporting the just transition of the coal sector and regions;
  2. improving health and safety;
  3. minimising the environmental impacts of coal mines in transition.


  1. new, sustainable and low-carbon steelmaking and finishing processes;
  2. advanced steel grades and applications;

  3. conservation of resources, protection of the environment and circular economy;
  4. management of work force and working conditions.


Under this programme, projects will need to focus on:

  • optimised utilisation and conservation of resources, energy savings and industrial efficiency improvements;
  • health and safety at work;
  • environmental protection;
  • technologies supporting coal regions in transition;
  • emission reductions from steel production;
  • steel production processes.

In terms of financing, this programme will cover a percentage of the eligible costs. The co-financing rate varies across the different calls between 50% - 100%.

The programme supports projects by research centres, universities and private companies

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